Sunday, 14 September 2014

Our Dedication

One hundred and eighteen years ago this week, All Souls' was dedicated as a house of prayer. Today, we thank God for all our blessings and ask that those who seek God here may find God. That is the starting point of our life as a church. For part of the continuation, it is worth reading Christian Aid's September Reflection.
'Everywhere we look in the world at the present time, we seem to see conflict - local, national and international. From the crisis in Gaza to the horror sweeping across northern Iraq and the tragedy that is Syria, the Middle East is engulfed in conflict and the humanitarian situation is grim, with the poorest and most vulnerable suffering the most as always. 
'In these difficult days, the Epistle readings for September are a salutary reminder of the ways in which Paul urges the young churches to live together and address their differences. 
'He reminds us that 'Love does no wrong to a neighbour; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law' (Romans 13:10). And he offers challenging words on judgement and reconciliation, even in times of trouble. For in war, justice is the first casualty - and without justice, there can be no true peace...'
For the remainder of this reflection, please visit: 

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