Friday, 15 February 2013

The Meaning of 'God'

Does the word 'God' refer to a being beyond the universe? Another being in addition to the universe?

Or does the word 'God' refer to a sacred presence all around us?

If we go for the second of these ideas, can we account for the relationship with God that Christian faith invites us to have?

Saturday, 9 February 2013

The Word of the Lord

Is it helpful, or even truthful, to follow a reading from the Bible with 'This is the word of the Lord?' Clearly, it would not be any better to say 'This is not the Word of the Lord', so we're not in an argument about whether or not the Bible, or any part of it, is actually given to us by God. To re-use an analogy I first heard from Athol Gordon ( a lay reader in Dundee during the 1980s and 90s), the thing to remember about the Bible is that it's gift-wrapped. As a result, we need to know how best to unwrap it.

Last Wednesday in the Inn, we tried and failed to identify what is said after readings in the New Zealand Liturgy. I've now downloaded the relevant texts, and can reveal that the practice is as follows:-

       The appointed readings follow, the reader first saying
       A reading from … (chapter … beginning at …)

       Silence may follow each reading.

       The reader may say

       Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
       Thanks be to God.

Does that seem like an improvement? And would you prefer the silence or the response?